Monday, September 16, 2013

What is Success?

Hi everyone - I just got home from a Racquetball tournament in Charlotte.  When I got out of bed Sunday morning, I couldn't touch my toes because I strained my back Saturday playing a much younger player.  I almost forfeited Sunday's 3 matches and (gulp) wondered if I was too old for this sport.  Is it worth the pain I feel?  The answer, "Heck yes!"   I took 2 Aleve, rowed for 5 min., stretched, foam roller, spent 5 minutes in the Sauna and won the next 3 matches!  What a good day and what a good feeling I had because I didn't give up and let my emotions and self doubt bring me down.

My challenge for you this week is for you to not let your emotions tell you - you are a failure, you can't do this any more, you're not good enough.!  See you at the gym!  Lynette

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