Sunday, March 31, 2013

Kind'a Good Girl!

Happy Easter my little peeps! As many of you know, peeps are my weakness. Did you know 5,000,000 peeps are manufactured each year and that the average person will consume 12 in one sitting. Yes, that is me!  But this year, I was on a mission to not inhale!   Melanie started it off by giving me a little stuffed peep to satisfy my temptations. It didn't taste so good! I've tried to not even look at the peep aisle at the store. I saw a report on how peeps were made (twice) on TV yesterday. Still strong - until, it happened! The mailman! I got an Easter gift from my grandchildren! I was doomed! But then Kim B. reminded me of the 3 bite rule! So I inhaled - just 3! Thanks girls for keeping me in check this Easter Season!  Lynette

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