Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Easy Way to Lose Weight!

How are you all doing?  I discovered an easy and fun way to lose weight!  Keep up with an 19 month and a 5 year old .  I lost 1.5 lbs last week babysitting my two grandsons in Kansas City.  I spent most of the time mainly chasing the little one.  I went up & down stairs all day long; and it seemed like when I said "Stop", Trey thought that meant "Run!"

Anyway, I had a wonderful time cuddling and bonding with my grandsons.  I forgot the energy needed to raise little ones; but so important for their safety and development.  I was very glad I was physically in shape to conquer this task!  I have a continued motivation to keep me fit and trim.  I want to continue to have an active part with my grandkids in the future.

If you don't have little ones, maybe help some young mother who needs a break!  She could use the relief and you will be rewarded, I guarantee it!  Let's keep our workouts strong this week!  Lynette

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