Thursday, October 4, 2012

Just say, "Thank You!"

Hi - Rick and I, Kimberly E and Kim B had a great time on Sunday watching Chipper Jones' (Altanta Braves) last season home baseball game before his retirement. What a great game; and boy, the fans are really going to miss an anchor of 20 years with the ball club!
As we were heading home we stopped at Wendy's for a quick bite. We actually ordered pretty decent since the day at the ball park could have gone a little better. Anyway, we were back on track, I thought ----- until the nice, older lady came to our table and threw us a curve and said "Tonight is appreciation night. We have free frosties for everyone. We really want to show you good customer service. Now, would you like chocolate or vanilla?" What do you reply? With a smile, we just said "Thank you - that is a nice thing to do."
When you are at bat trying real hard to get on base and score, life does through curves once in awhile. Our journey is interesting. You sometimes hit the ball straight and long, sometimes, you're thrown a curve and you strike out. But guess what, there is another inning, a second chance at bat and the game isn't over until the 9th inning. I want you to play hard this week. If you strike out, the game is not over. You may strike out at bat and feel really bad; but guess what, you will get up to bat again and again and again until the game is over.
Have a good at bat this week - you will win in the end! Lynette

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